Little Crow Beard Oil
Another scent that I love it has Sandalwood on the front with bourbon, Vanilla and last a hint of leather to finish it off.
Little Crow III was a Mdewakanton Dakota chief who led a faction of the Dakota in a five-week war against the United States in 1862. In 1846, after surviving a violent leadership contest with his half-brothers, Taoyateduta became chief of his band and assumed the name Little Crow.
It relieves that ever so annoying itch
It helps moisturize and soften your beard hair and skin
It will help to eliminate beard dandruff on your clothing
It's will add a luster to your beard
It will make women want to sniff your beard LOL
You can start out with the 5 o'clock shadow to help your skin from starting out itchy all the way to having beard that stays thirsty trying to maintain its beauty
Dreamcatcher products are designed for a wet beard or dry beard application. Take the dropper amount and put in your palm and rubber hands together. Rub your beard completely all the way down to the skin and roots. Take a beard comb or brush to distribute evenly throughout your beard. Reapply as often as you like to keep that fabulous sheen and scent that drives women crazy.
100% Golden Jojoba Oil
100% Almond Oil